Thursday, April 26, 2007

John Dvorak = Rush Limbaugh

I listen to This Week in Tech every week, and every week the source of my frustration is one John C. Dvorak. Every week he comes on with the sole purpose of promoting his blog, which I assume brings in a lot of ad revenue for him. He's a lot like Rush Limbaugh in that he doesn't care what comes out of his mouth as long as it brings him more publicity. Dvorak o far behind on the tech curve, giving him any sort of platform to express his antiquated views is a waste of time. I read somewhere that he's like the old grandpa the family brings out on the holidays to listen to because he's old and senile, but doesn't really contribute much other than being someone to laugh at. Just last week he condemned the future of AJAX, solely because he found it hard to use. AJAX is the technology used to edit webpages without hitting refresh-think Flickr or Frappr. He also famously predicted that no one would want to use a mouse back when the Macintosh came out in 1984. I know Dvorak is on TWiT for the same reason that Rush was on Monday Night Football, that is, to incite controversy, but when your panel includes the rest of the guys on the podcast, do you really need someone like that?

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