Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Vlogging the YMS Fall Festival, Day Two

The second day of the festival was held at KBS hall, sort of a civic center for Ulsan. It was a day comprised entirely of performances. The day started, as all performances do, with a lot of standing around.

Finally, after about two hours, the show finally started.

First up was the Yeonam School Song

Things were still pretty normal--no cause for alarm. We had the Happy Hands club, just like Napoleon Dynamite!

Next up were the dancers. This was cute, and what I was expecting to see.

After them, more dancers. This was not what I expected to see Middle School girls doing at a school-sponsored function. Can you imagine how long this would be allowed to go on in the US?

...and then came the biggest shock of all...even the teachers had a dance routine! (By order of the principal, only the cute teachers under 30 were allowed to participate.)

And then, just when you thought things couldn't get any more weird, the festival ended with Miss Yeonam, a drag competition.

And that was it! The Yeonam Middle School Fall Festival was...interesting, to say the least. And I guess we do it all over again in the Spring!


Anonymous said...

so you know what that reminded me of. all of those "school spirit" days in which the guy cheerleaders in our group would always get disqualified for being to obscene. yep good ol days.

Anonymous said...

I feel pretty dirty after watching the middle school dancers. Also, I can't believe they have fire like that in the school. I can't ever remember seeing fire in school.

John said...

Yeah, I was conflicted whether I should actually post the video or not, but the quality is so bad you can't actually make out the girls' faces, so I went ahead.