Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wine for the the woman who made the rain come

Another day of testing, which means another day of sitting here with nothing to do. Hopefully I'll be able to finish This Side of Paradise today in the downtime. Eternal Sonata, the game I ordered from Play-Asia on Sept. 24th, finally came this morning. I was pretty worried it was going to get lost forever, so now I feel more confident ordering stuff online.

This is my new favorite website. It's called the Gallery of Regrettable Food. It's basically a collection of old cookbooks from the 50's and 60's with the most garish pictures you'll ever see. The commentary on each page is a riot.


Lady Jaye said...

I've been a fan of James Lileks' for several years. The Gallery of regrettable food used to be a lot bigger than it is now -- the pages that were removed were published into a best-of book, which you can still get on Amazon (

Incidentally, he has a vol. 2 coming out next month, titled Gastroanomalies. He also published a best-of of his Interior Desecrations section (another must!) and Mommy Knows Worst (the worst baby advice from yesteryear).

Hope you've explored his site cuz there's a lot more great stuff there, like the Fredericks' catalog from the 1970s and the best of stag mags (which is one of his current projects). Hours of browsing guaranteed! :P

Lady Jaye said...

Damn, the link got cut. On amazon, just search for "James Lileks" or "The Gallery of regrettable food" (the book used the same title as the site's section).

John said...

Thanks LJ :) I saw the link to the book--I'm thinking about buying it for my dad for Christmas, I'm sure he'd get a kick out of it.