Friday, October 19, 2007

Today was the first day of the Ulsan English Festival. Each Middle School sends a foreign teacher plus a few Korean English teachers to man a booth, each with a different theme. Our booth was the airport, and my job was immigration officer. What that means is I asked each student for their passport (a paper one they filled out at another station in the booth) and asked them where they were going in America (apparently America is the only destination out of our airport), why they were going, and how long they were staying. Those three questions. Over and over and over. I don't know if you've ever seen pictures of masses of Asian schoochildren at events, but thats what it looked like today. Think a crowd just slightly larger than the Michael Jackson at Budapest concert. Ok, that's an exaggeration. That was the biggest crowd ever. But anyway, not much fun for me. And guess what? I get to do it tomorrow, from 9-5! All freakin day! Those three questions! Oh, did I mention the booth beside us had YMCA on repeat blaring all day? Apparently Koreans never get tired of that song. Before the festival started, that booth was playing other things. I heard Rock You Like A Hurricane followed up by the Imperial March from Star Wars. A perfect segue if ever there was one. Once the festival officially got going though, it was YMCA from there on out. Can't wait for tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well it could be another one of their "hits"
or it could be doobie brothers, or that trucker cd, or even the bad songs on this is ska. minnie ripperton, well you get the idea.