Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Emoticons in Korea

Korean emoticons are different than the ones we use in the west. Normally, to describe happiness or a smile, we would use :-), or the shortened form :). In Korea, however, they use eyes to show emotions, so happiness becomes ^^. For the life of me I had no idea what this meant and in text messages with my coteachers I just thought they kept hitting the ^ key by mistake.

Other Korean (and I assume Asian) emoticons:

(^_^) = smile

(^o^) = laughing out loud

d(^_^)b = thumbs up (not ears)

(T_T) = sad (it's a crying face)

(-.-)Zzz = sleeping

(Z.Z) = sleepy person

\(^_^)/ = cheers, hurrah

(*^^*) = shyness

(-_-); = sweating (as in ashamed)

(^_^);; = sorry! my mistake

(?_?) = nonsense, i don't know

(^_~) = wink

(o.O) = surprise

v(^_^)v = victory

(>^_^)> = hugging

(>^_^)> <(^_^<) = hugging each other (^o^)



Anonymous said...

Wow, those are very interesting (and cute!) -- I may even start using some of those.

Anonymous said...

man ive been seeing those for years. well i never use them, but i knew about some of them. the thumbs up one is super cool though