Thursday, September 20, 2007

More observations...

People don't eat grape skins here. Out of all the things they do eat, they don't eat grape skins??

Italian restaurants use ketchup instead of marinara sauce. Pickles are served with every dish. Coke is sometimes an item on the desert menu.

Last night Mi Sung and I went out to dinner--my present to her for carting me around to immigration and all the other stuff she's helped me with. I found this restaurant online called Canta Napoli, but try as we might, once we got downtown, we couldn't find it, nor did anyone we (she) asked about it know anything about it. We settled on some random Italian place instead. It was alright, but again I noticed the abundance of pickles and ketchup. We had a great time though. The worst part for me about being in Korea is having to limit my English to very simple phrases while talking to others at work. Mi Sung is so good at English that I can speak normally to hear and she actually understands, which is awesome. I know, I know, you're thinking, "So? What's the big deal?" Try going a week without saying anything more than "Hello, Good Morning," etc. By the end of the week you'll feel like you just want to pour out your soul to anyone who actually understands what you're saying.


Anonymous said...

okay, so they attempt to peel the grape?
if the video that i just saw was when you went out, man she was wasted beyond being able to talk.
funny stuff.
after you told me about the pasta thing, i had remembered more about this.
see, well in japan its this way too. when you see spagetti in a restaurant , it is referring to the pasta type itself. so it comes undressed, to enjoy the noodle fully. so if you want something on it, well its gonna have to be ketchup.

John said...

What they do is kind of split the top of the grape with their fingers, then suck the insides out, then discard the peel. It's really....interesting.