Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I got my Alien Registration Card today! Finally I can get internet and a cell phone. You never know how alone you feel until you try going without those things. Just shows how dependent I am on technology :) Anyway, time for more random Korea things:

Many bathrooms in Korea are unisex. Not in the way you can go in and lock the door, one person but can be used for two people kind of unisex, but the full-on, Ally McBeal style. You can be in there doing your thing, and all of a sudden, some girl can walk in on you. I was, naturally, disturbed by this the first time it happened, but the girl had no visible reaction to coming in right in front of a guy at the urinal.

Women here eat. A lot. And they're still rail-thin! I don't understand it. My co-teacher at Gangdong eats about three times as much as me each time we have a meal together, but she's so thin. It's amazing.

Did I mention that a dish of pickles come with pizza? No matter if you get it from Pizza Hut or Pizza Bingo (Korean pizza place), but at Korean pizza places the pizzas come with corn (?) on them too.

More to come!

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