Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Chusok...what to do?

Next week is Chusok, Korean Thanksgiving. We get a whole week off of school, so I need to figure out what to do. I wish I could remember one of my friend's email addresses near Daegu--then I could go visit him and ride up to the city with Mi Sung. I thought about taking the slow boat to Tokyo, but unlike the slow boat to China, this boat is just as expensive as a plane ticket, and I don't want to blow that much money until after I get paid.

I could always stick around Ulsan, maybe finally overcome my fear of getting lost on the bus. It just seems so sad though, because all my Korean friends are going away for the holiday.

It's still typhoon season here, which means nonstop rain until forever. I keep losing or forgetting my umbrella at school, so now I have a grand total of 3. Nothing says useless like three umbrellas in a bag.

All things considered though, I'm still having a great time here. This is by far the easiest teaching job I've ever had, and so far the kids are still really responsive and eager to learn.

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