Monday, November 5, 2007

Korea's got Seoul.

I had a good time in Seoul this weekend, but I don't know if I'll ever go back. It's just like a bigger version of the city I already live in. They do have a lot more western resturaunts though. I bought a computer so I can watch American TV. It uses Windows XP so I couldn't use my Mac. I got a good deal on one though--a brand new Pentium 4, 3Ghz for $120, including mouse, keyboard, speakers, and Windows XP. I also got an adapter to hook it up to my tv, which cost $30. Now I'll be able to watch tv from back home using Sopcast.

I hung out with my friend Hwan Jo, and he took me to some of the more famous street markets in the city. We went to one that Metallica always visits when they come to Korea. It was pretty awesome. I'll have some pictures up soon. The thing is though, there are all kinds of those markets in Ulsan. Basically, Seoul is just like a bigger version of Samsan dong and Seongnam dong. Lots more people but the same stuff. The train ride was really nice though--much better than taking a bus. The return trip was better than the going one because it was daytime and I could see more of the scenery. I also picked up some cool Korean video game stuff--a Super Comboy, which is a localized Super Famicom marketed by Hyundai of all people, and a Comboy Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cart, which as common as it is in America, is really rare in Korea, because back in the 80's the console scene was almost nonexistant. At any rate, Oblivion came today in the mail so I'll be spending lots of quality time with the 360 this weekend-no more travel for me until I visit Dan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really didnt think you would actually find one of those. sure you talked about them and while i thought it might be possible in a city of 22 million i highly doubted it. i so want to see it when you put up pictures.