Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's freakin cold!

Tonight was the coldest I've ever been in Korea. Walking to the bus stop after Gumdo class and walking home from the bus stop it was so cold I took a wrong turn and was momentarily lost. Speaking of Gumdo class, the heat was turned off inside for some reason. I always get there early and sweep the floor (gotta do what I can to improve America's image as gun-toting rednecks), and my feet felt like they were going to fall off as soon as I took off my socks. Gumdo's going well, though. You'll notice I misspelled it in my original post. Kumdo is like Kendo, Gumdo is like...kinda like kenjitsu, I guess. Lots of forms, no contact or sparring. I'm definitely seeing an increase in my flexibility and I know I'm losing weight. Training four days a week instead of one or two is wonderful, especially since I don't have anything else to do, being on vacation and all.

In other news, I've been catching up on some TV shows I bought DVDs of back in the States. I'm on Disc 3 of My So-Called Life now. It still holds up really well, and though the fashion screams early-90's, the writing is just as poignant as ever. Claire Danes was never so pretty as she was playing Angela Chase. I remember really identifying with Brian Krakow (sp), but now he really comes off as a jerk who can't come to terms with a lot of things. Sounds like me--maybe I identify with him more than I want to admit.

I'm also watching the complete series of The Adventures of Pete and Pete. I can't say enough good things about that show. If you haven't seen it, you need to. Never before or since has a kid's show been so delightfully surreal.

That's it for now. Tomorrow, same schedule--get up, lay around, take a shower, take a walk, watch those tv shows, watch a movie if I'm in the mood, then go to gumdo. Lather, rinse, repeat.

1 comment:

TheHero said...

i bet your losing a lot of weight