Friday, January 11, 2008

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

If the title didn't give it away, this is a non-Korea post :) Feel free to skip if you're so inclined.

In the Catholic Church, next week begins the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Of course, Christians should always pray for unity, but in this week a special prominence is given to what each branch of Christianity brings to the faith. Here's one of my favorite quotes from a French Bishop.

"Some aspects of the Mystery of the faith have been developed better by each Christian tradition.

The Christians of the East have always emphasized the resurrection of Christ that already transfigures the world. Is it not because of this that in past centuries many of them were able to endure decades of suffering? The East has preserved the teaching of the Church Fathers with great fidelity. Monasticism, which it gave to the West, has breathed a life of contemplation into the entire Church. Can Western Christians become more open to these treasures?

The Christians of the Reformation have strongly stressed these Gospel realities: God offers his love freely and unconditionally; by his Word he comes to whoever listens to it and puts it into practice; the simple trusting of faith leads to the freedom of the children of God; singing together allows the Word of God to penetrate us. Are not these values essential for all Christians?

The Catholic Church has kept visible, throughout history, the universality of communion in Christ. It has constantly looked for a balance between the local Church and the universal Church. One cannot exist without the other. A ministry of communion at all levels has helped to maintain unanimity in the faith. Cannot all baptized persons go further in a progressive understanding of this ministry?"

Read more at the Vatican web site here.

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