Monday, September 1, 2008

There and back again

I went back to the states for about ten days. It should only really count as about six though, considering all the travel time I used up in the car going to visit various relatives and things. Not to mention the extra six hours in the car when I forgot my passport at home, but that's another story.

Anyway, reverse culture shock. To be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The main thing I noticed was how freakin' fat Americans are compared to Koreans. I never noticed it before, but going back it was just insane how large some people are there. Another thing...well, to be honest, I was missing Korea after a few days. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was great to see my family and stuff, but I don't know...I just wanted to be back in the big city again. I think it would be really hard to go back and live in a small town like Hurricane again.

Well, now I'm back and since I refinanced my car, I should have a lot more money to travel with this year. First up is Japan, from Sept. 12-15th. If I like it there, I may decide to apply for some teaching jobs after my current contract is up, or maybe even try and get a job working for the Apple Store in Tokyo. All I know is that I'm in no big hurry to get back to the states. Like, ever. Well, maybe I'll go back for grad school, but that's it. There's just a vibe in Asia that I don't get back home, and I really missed it while I was there.

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