Monday, September 29, 2008

New Flickr Set: Funny Singing Room Names

Yes, I'm still alive :)

Private singing rooms, called noraebangs (or 노래방 if you have Korean font installed) are really popular in Korea. So are hofs, which are bars without a "bar"--basically a room with a bunch of long tables used for drinking beer. Some of them have really awesome and/or strange names. I decided to keep a running tab of them here on my flickr page. Enjoy!

See the set here.

And in related news, may I present

1 comment:

Lady Jaye said...

Here in Montreal, I went to a Korean karaoke box last weekend (it's one of the few, if not the only, karaoke boxes in Montreal, since karaoke here is rather offered in regular bars). It was a lot of fun (and we were quite loud), but I still prefer the songlist that karaoke bars have. Anyways, it's called the Pang Pang.