Friday, February 22, 2008

Fortune Telling

Fortune telling is big business in Korea. People set up booths almost anywhere, enclosed in transparent tarp to keep out the cold, and folks queue up on benches to wait their turn. Once you're in the booth, there are the old standbys--tarot cards, palm reading, etc, but last night I saw something new.

I was on my way to meet a friend last night and the taxi driver has his tv tuned to a fortune telling show. Apparently, from what I could gather, the fortune teller would make a prediction about someone based on whether their driver's license floats or sinks when it hits a bowl of water. One lady brought in her husband's license, and when it sank like a stone she started bawling.

I'm not sure if the news the fortune teller imparted was of imminent death or an extra-marital affair, but either way this woman was reduced to tears at the sight of a piece of plastic sinking to the bottom of a bowl of water. Strange.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have the same thing here in America. It's called "DOES! IT! FLOAT?" :P