Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sometimes being a teacher sucks.

So today I had to discipline a student. She was drawing in class (supposedly an art project). I told her once to put her papers away. She complied, but five minutes later she had her papers back out and she was drawing again. This time, I took the papers away. While I wasn't looking, she stole them back from my desk, and was drawing again. The other students were witness to this. It was time for me to act. I took the paper and tore it in half. Was I justified in doing so? Probably. Do I still feel bad? Of course. I always hate disciplining students--it's one of the reasons why I could never be a teacher for life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i guess it didnt occur to me that you wouldnt want to be a teacher all the time.
yeah i have to do that now too, but its with adults that act like children.