Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bill Gates gives Lee Myung Bak a present.

This is pretty cool. Bill Gates gave Lee Myung Bak a customized 360. Well, the 360 is cool. The fact that an insanely rich man bought another insanely rich man a gift, well, that's not really that special.

From Engadget:

Apparently not one to let a tacky trend pass him by, Bill Gates has commissioned 100 mother of pearl-clad Xbox 360s to be used as extra special gifts, the first of which was given to South Korean President Lee Myung-bak earlier this month, prompting a response that we can only imagine to be, "gee, thanks." To be fair, the design by Korean artisan Kim Young-jun is a bit classier than most of the crystal-encrusted gadgets we come across, but the same can't quite be said for the move of bringing a bit of thinly disguised self-promotion to a visit with a head of state. We can also only assume that Gates is dreading the day that the President calls him up and asks him what the red rings on his Xbox mean.

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