Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Does it get any better than this?

I feel as if I have nothing more to offer after watching this music video. How can I top this?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Movin' on up!

Oh yeah! Green belt! :) I finally passed the candle test too (I failed that part of my yellow belt test but I got the belt anyway for some reason). What's the candle test? This:

Monday, April 28, 2008

New Flickr Set- Arcade machines in Korea

In an effort to try and document the wide range of new and old arcade machines here, I added a new flickr set so they're a little easier to find. Check it out here.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The State That I Am In

Well, Green got back to the states safe and sound, so it's back to normal here for awhile. I decided to take on another class after school from 6-8 over at Hogye Middle School. It's not a bad gig at \30,000 an hour, and since it's in Hogye I can go right over to my gumdo class after its over.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are midterm tests this week, so I've had nothing to do but watch movies. Yesterday I saw:

I Am Legend(bleh)
Walk Hard (ok but too long)
and I'll finish up today with Lars and the Girl, which I don't know anything about but is supposed to be good.

I'll have pictures up of Green's trip soon. Stay tuned~

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Update soon!

I'll have a writeup of Green's visit here in a few days after he leaves. Until then, enjoy this music video. It's got everything there was to love about the 80's--break dancing, ghetto blasters, and a keyboard guitar.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What do you miss most in Korea?

Jim as Dwight: Question: What kind of bear is best?
Dwight: That's a ridiculous question.
Jim as Dwight: False. Black Bear.
Dwight: Well that's debatable, there are basically two schools of thought..
Jim as Dwight: Fact: Bears eat beets.
Dwight: Oh..
Jim as Dwight: Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica!

The Office = What I miss most in Korea.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Best. Trapper Keeper. Ever.

You've gotta love Engrish. One of my students walked into my classroom with this trapper keeper yesterday. Luckily, I had my camera phone and snapped a pic.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Online dating adventures.

So in an effort to find someone new, I'm back to the ol online dating game again. Reading through the profiles, you can get a pretty good idea of who has a handle on English and who is running their profiles through a translator. I recently saw a profile that had only one sentence.

"Hello ..It is Gimseoyearn I want to meet by good fatality with you and divide good Daehwaeul."

I'm not even going to try to figure that one out. If someone has the word "fatality" in their profile, I'm moving on.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'm still alive...

Yeah, I've been pretty lazy lately when it comes to updating. Since Scarlett dumped me a few weeks ago, I haven't been motivated to do anything, really. But hope springs eternal. I'm going out with a teacher at the middle school across the street tomorrow night. Who knows, maybe I won't stay single for long. I hope not. All I know is I'm going to have a heck of a time going back to Western girls after dating Asian ones. There's just something about Korean girls that goes beyond their (spectacular) physical appearance. Their whole demeanor is different. And awesome.

Green is coming a week from today! My first visitor from America! I can't wait, though I'm a little bit nervous about picking him up from the airport. I've never been to Busan before, so I'm going to have to find a bus to take me there. I've heard there's a bus that runs directly from Samsandong in Ulsan to Kimhae airport where he's flying in to. If that's the case, then I'm home free. I won't have to worry about going through the subway and getting lost. I don't mind getting lost when I have the time, but his flight comes in at 9 pm and I don't want him to be jetlagged and miserable as we try and negotiate our way home.

Today's a gloomy day. It rained all day yesterday, and it continues to drizzle today. Tonight I'm going to fry up some bacon and have bacon and cheese sandwiches for dinner. Not the most nutritious thing in the world, but I'm tired of cereal and ramen. I've got to save money so Green and I can have lots of stuff to do when he gets here.

Oh, here's some happy news: the other day I went to a cherry blossom festival in Eon-Yang. It was spectacular! The blossoms were so beautiful, and there was kind of a carnival going on with food and games. I'll post a pic at the top of this post. You can check out the rest by clicking on the "Pictures from Korea" link in the upper right corner of the page.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Me Singing Don't Worry Be Happy

Inspired by that theramin video, I opened up Audacity this evening to see if I could record Don't Worry Be Happy using only my voice. Well, 3 hours later I discovered Bobby McFerrin I'm not, but I hope Scarlett (and you) will get a kick out of it.

Download it here!

This is probably the coolest thing you'll see all day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Killer Queen

Scarlett really likes Queen. She wants to watch the Live at Wembley DVD whenever she comes over. Today I was looking on Youtube for other Queen concerts to show her and came across this. Good stuff.