Monday, August 27, 2007

Random videos I've taken

I love youtube :) I can't figure out how to make this page show up in English, so no blog title change yet.

Here are some videos:

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I've arrived!

Guess it's time to change the title of my blog now :) The plane ride was really, really long. Luckily Korean Air has little tv's in each seatback so you can watch movies, sports, tv shows, etc. all on demand. Unluckily, mine broke about 10 minutes into the flight so I was forced to watch what everybody around me was watching. I sat next to some neat people on the plane who liked to talk, which made the flight go by more quickly too.

So far, the best thing about Korea is all the robotic traffic cops on the highways directing traffic. I have a week of orientation outside of Seoul at Korea University, and the it's on to Ulsan. I've met a ton of people already--mostly Canadians, but a few Brits and fellow Americans too. The Canadians are easiest to spot because they're all wearing some kind of Maple Leaf on their backpack or hat.

I want to write some more, but I'll wait till I can post some accompanying pictures.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Here I Go Again On My Own...

Well, it's finally here. I'm sitting in the airport in Charleston waiting to get my flight to JFK, then it's on to Incheon. It's kind of surreal, because I've been looking forward to this trip since January, and now that I'm ready to go, I don't quite know how to feel. On one hand, I'm sad to leave my family and all three of the friends I have left in Hurricane, but at the same time I'm really exciting about going somewhere new. I know this all sounds tired and cliche, but hey, what would a real blog be without posts like this? :)

Next time I post, I'll be in Korea. Pictures to follow soon.