Monday, August 11, 2008

One year down....

Next week I'll have been in Korea one year. I'm going back home on Monday for 10 days. It will be weird to be in the States again, I'm sure. Not much new to write about. In fact, I'm considering putting the blog on hiatus until something interesting does happen. When you're new in a country, everything seems interesting, but now it seems like nothing is interesting anymore, or at least interesting enough to write about. Maybe when I get back things will change. Anyway, as always, thanks for reading :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Some of you may be wondering, just what does John do at this summer English camp? Well, every morning at 8am i go downtown, and a bus takes 4 other foreign English teachers and I an hour and a half outside of the city to sort of the Korean version of Deliverance where we work in a field all day teaching students English under funeral tents.

Hey, it's not that bad. I've made some great foreigner friends and I'm making plenty of money.